Gareth Neal

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OF CUT Round

The latest piece in the OF CUT Series: OF CUT Round

This work combines wood and digital manufacturing, united by the mission to reduce waste wood within the timber industry.  The collection arose after acquiring four hefty timber lumps from our local sawmill. Due to their gnarly knots, irregular lumps and characterful grain patterns these pieces would have been considered low-grade timber not suitable for typical furniture manufacture - despite having taken hundreds of years to grow and having sequestered many tons of carbon in their lifetime. Using the block form as they were obtained from the sawmill as the starting point for each design, a series of geometric cuts were digitally designed and milled to transform them into bold artist pieces with a long future.

“I wanted to limit how much I processed each piece, retaining the lifelong story told through the material surface. With the assistance of a robotic milling machine the pieces have been transformed into a collection of sculptural furniture, giving them a function and allowing them to live on for many more years to come.” – Gareth

Title: OF CUT Round
British Oak
Dimensions: H 35cm, Diameter 99cm

For all enquiries about these Artworks please contact Sarah Myerscough Gallery.